
Monday, June 8, 2009

The Wedding

On Saturday Thomas and Megan were married. Megan was beautiful and Thomas was impressive in his uniform.
The wedding service was very relaxed as was the Priest. There were several emotional moments which was wonderful to experience. As for me I must admit that Thomas caused me a few tears, which for me most people didn't notice or will soon forget. For Thomas, I suspect it will be a long time before he hears the end of it. I also suspect that by the time he gets back to work there will be many of his buddies wanting to discuss the situation with him in some fashion.

I believe that over the next coming decades, NO the rest of the Century, Megan will get a lot of mileage out of it. It will be little jabs just for the fun of it.

The reception was great fun and I particilarly enjoyed Homee Dad's speech, a little long winded but that's Homee Dad and he gave us advanced warning, IT WAS enjoyable and accurate.

It was nice to see Nora & Don after so many years.

It was good to see everybody having a good time and the meal was good but not too calorie wise, you could say it was filling, as you might say, but very good and I believe that nobody left hungry.

I congratulate Thomas & Megan and wish them a long and happy marriage and hope it is as good as ours has been and still is.


Fiddling Granny said...

It was a lovely wedding. Great being with all the fam!

Homee Dad's View of Life said...

Gryper - nice comments, and yeh I figure Thomas will hear from Megan from time to time. His emotions really did not surprise me - he had been up tight the past few weeks. Emotions come out at those times - I think he may have got that from me?

Anyway - really nice to se you and Thelma again - actually it was great to see everyone.

OK there I go getting long winded, sorry about that

Signeing off

Homee dad