
Sunday, August 2, 2009


We all had a great time on Saturday at C&J's party, Well all but one person that is and she appears to enjoy being her self. Edwin was well received as an all round nice fun guy and fitted in very well. He also threw the football type THING with Nick, then under duress went into the pool to play Marco Polo which he was obviously not comfortable doing but persevered to his credit. I finally found out the object of the game but didn't play

John & I once again beat Nick & Andrew at Horse Shoes, only the second game we've played but the cream always comes to the top as one might say.

It was unusual to say the least, seeing nobody drinking anything but water or pop all day but we all survived. It was a potluck meal with great results.

In the evening John lit a fire and we sat around it feeding the mosquitoes. As usual J& C threw a great party.


Fiddling Granny said...

You, it was a good time. Seems the rowdiness is just part of being at their place, not a side effect of the booze.

Cherylinn said...

Funny how that matter what it always ends up loud and so many things to do....The "hogs" were a great hit, Nick and Andrew met a few kilometers away on their hogs and then they drove them here. I've been watching for 2 go cart idea with larger wheels so they can be driven on our forest trails, but so far no luck. While I've actually found two the price is insane....Time to prepare for the next get together.