
Sunday, November 23, 2008


So today I spent the day learning how to use Facebook. This is just what I need, more aggravation.

When Wendy decided that I wanted to start blogging, I tried to fight it, then finally gave in and started to do it occasionally. Just when I was getting the hang of it it seemed that everybody switched to Facebook, SO, I said to hell with that, I don't want to start something else.

Now Wendy has decided that I want to go on Facebook, SO, I spent the day learning to Facebook and find Friends etc. it appears that I am getting the hang of that now, SO, it's time for everybody to switch to the next lunacy what ever that might be, then in a couple of years Wendy will decide that I want to start doing that and the cycle will start all over again.


SusanE said...

Alzheimer prevent.

Cherylinn said...

I still blog....I check facebook periodically, send the odd message and use their chat because my MSN crapped out. But that's it. I didn't mind it before, but when they came out with "New" facebook, I didn't like it.

Fiddling Granny said...

Haha ... funny, the conversation that took place on Saturday morning didn't reflect Gryper's interpretation.

For someone who didn't want to be on facebook, you sure spent a lot of time staring at the computer screen figuring it out today. How many times did you log in to your account ... 4? maybe 5? LOL


Just get off of Nerdbook I'm no longer on there. so u missed all the fun

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