
Monday, January 5, 2009


We attended a great party at C&J on New Years Eve, it was a lot of fun. In attendance were K&W, N,L1&M, T&T, C&J, V&S&L2. It was a potluck so everybody brought food which made it easier for C, who in the past supplied all the food. Earlier C had called to ask what T was bringing but she wouldn't tell because it is a potluck.

For a change N didn't have a drink which is different, and I for one congratulate him. The good thing is that when N drinks he is a happy drunk so is fun to listen to. The problem is you listen & listen & listen, so it was fun to see him this way and to actually NOT drink.

We had great fun slidding down an Ice Track that C&J had made down the hill to the driveway but had to watch out for the well cover and a tree. There were a few minor injories but nothing serious. It was good fun but kind of cold.

We chose sides to play pictionary which took a long time to do because we drew marked sticks BUT each time we chose them, there were more or less than those in attendance. Eventually we got a correct number and were able to play. Everybody played except L2 who left early to go with friends to another party, and M who is a little too young.

The game lasted a long time and the Red team won the game but we, the Blue team only lost by 1 point, which was kind of disappointing considering the talent on our team and the dumb luck on the other team.

The disappointing think which occurred is that W's camera went missing and in spite of the fact that we all have searched homes and vehicles, we can't find it. Which puts a blemish on the night.


Cherylinn said...

I'm still looking everywhere. I can't stop myself. This morning I looked in the critter cupboard, which is where their food bowls, treats and miscellanelous stuff is kept....But it wasn't there either. I just can't stop looking.

Fiddling Granny said...

CG, get yourself under control, it can't be in the dogfood cupboard. LOL.

The only possibility left is it got caught in someone's stuff when they were gathering it up, there was a PILE of stuff. I really appreciate everyone who has done that and emailed me about it.

Fiddling Granny said...

AND the evening was a whole pile of fun! :-)

SusanE said...

Glad the hurts were minor, sorry about the camera.

That's a pain. I lost a running hat at a party once. Drove me nuts until finally someone found it in there stuff. I think it took a couple of weeks.


yeh the end does suck, but we all have those photos in are memory to gaze at whenever we want.....other then Andrews drunk ass lol.