
Monday, February 16, 2009


So the story about the ISS that I told you in the last blog turns out to be a Florida myth.

The bright light which is almost stationary in the sky is actually not the ISS which we found out on the weekend. The ISS is travelling around the world at a speed of over 17000 MPH or over 27000 KPH at an altitude of 215 miles or 346Km.

The bright light is invaders preparing to attack earth. Send me all your money I will protect it for you.


Cherylinn said...

Something tells me I will keep my money....But Thanks Anyway.

Gryper said...

You can trust me, my daughter was a cop.

Homee Dad's View of Life said...

Gryper - don't get down, as I recall history it seems to me that many prophets were doubted in their own home.

Homee dad

Gryper said...

H D, I appreciate the wisdom of your comment, it is obvious that you are a trained observer.

So many of my, Fans?? have not understood.