
Thursday, October 22, 2009


Yesterday we took Jean to the airport and she has gone home. In total we spent about 5 weeks with her, at her house, in Iceland, and here and it was good fun. The three of us travelled extensively together. We visited with some of her friends and she with ours and there was never a cross word. She is a pleasure to be with because she is so easy to get along with and she is welcome here any time.

While she was here she even helped cut down a tree in our yard, but she did violate some Health and safety rules doing so.

My only problem was, I had nothing to Grype about.


SusanE said...

Glad you guys had a great visit.

Cherylinn said...

She is so easy going and such a pleasure to have around....I guess you can't even say your house is quiet because she sure didn't make much noise. I think it was the rest of your guests that did. Like Wendy and Caroline...LOL

Fiddling Granny said...

I'm surprised you could hear anything CG, since your boisterousness was drowning everyone else out!!

I'm still astounded that you asked Jean to say the "F" word so you could hear it with an english accent!

She's great fun, even if she wouldn't say it for CG!

Prince Charming said...

She was truly a sweet lady. I do however feel sympathy for her as she had to put up with you for so long. I hope you didn't traumatize her to much

Gryper said...

Nick, you seem to forget, I am Mister Perfect.