
Thursday, February 25, 2010


So this week we painted the living room and it looks good. The old paint was put on quite some time ago and had witnessed several weddings. I thought it looked fine but Mrs. G had wanted to get rid of it for years. Finally I said OK lets do it, which was no big deal, get the paint you want and I will put it on. Not that simple, she had a personal battle to fight now. With a bunch of paint samples she began the battle. This one is good, no this one is good, no let me get some more samples. That went on for months. finally we got some samples from Home Depot that were good for 2 or 3 days then out came the ones from Colour your World, from a year ago. Thank god I'm colour blind.

We also replaced the drapes which we bought before we moved to Newmarket. So the drapes around 45 or 50 years old and the paint was newer, we did that just before Wendy's first wedding.

Nothing lasts any more!!!!!!!


Lauras Garden said...

So what colour is the living room now? That is very important and you didn't tell us.

SusanE said...

I want pictures.

Fiddling Granny said...

"Thank god I'm colour blind. " That's hilarious.

I can't wait to see it. It won't look familiar without the drapes!

Stephanie, Matt, Kaden and Ireland said...

post a picture

Gryper said...

Laura, That's the reason for
"Thank god I'm colour blind" it means I don't know and it is not important.

I guess I could take a picture though as has been requested.