
Saturday, December 13, 2008


On Thursday my cousin and wife came to visit, we don't see each other very often but it is always fun getting together. We are the oldest living creatures on this branch of the tree.

In days gone by we used to get in all kinds of trouble, stuff that would considered today as crimes. Mostly, I would call them pranks but basically harmless things. None of us ran around sticking people with knives or paint stupid marks on walls like today' s kids, ours was just fun stuff. Enough said on that subject except to reiterate we were good kids back in those days.

We used to go hunting together when you only needed a One dollar gun license and you could walk down the street with a rifle and not be acosted by those lunetics on the SWAT team.

Those were the good old days.

Is always fun getting together any ways and as we always say " we will have to do this more often".


Fiddling Granny said...

You old farts ... I can picture you sitting there saying

"Whats a matter da way it used to be????"

SusanE said...

I think someone needs to be around for these visits to record the stories.

That is assuming anyone could write while laughing.

Gryper said...

Nobody really cares anyway.

Fiddling Granny said...

Waddya talkin' about, I've been writing it down and am working on putting it into a book.

Patience ... and keep the stories coming.