
Saturday, December 11, 2010


I decided in Nov. to switch my cell to "Pay as you go" which one would think should be easy. So I went into Rogers at the mall to enquire about it. I was first told that I couldn't do it. Then well maybe it can be done but we can't do it, you have to call Rogers. Then another person called Rogers to find out.

She handed me her cell phone, it was on speaker, and I started talking to a guy about it, it dragged on for a half hour with everybody in the store listening in and another guy about my age fighting with them as well.

I gave the guy all the info he needed to get things rolling then he finally said that it would take a week to get it done and I should call *611 on Dec.o6 and it would be done.

I then said to him "I just phone *611 and that's it, it will be Pay as you go, correct?" He replied yes.
On Nov.30 I went into Rogers at the mall to ask a question abou "pay as you go" and the switch over. Now I'm told that I can't switch without a entry number which I must buy. I decided not to buy from him and went to Walmart because I can't trust people at Rogers. So I bought a number at Walmart where I encountered 2 people who gave me more info in 2 minutes than I got from both Rogers stores in 1 hour.

On Dec 6 7AM I called Rodgers and was told that I must wait till after 8 to speak to my local office, HOWEVER, she was very quick to try to sell me on signing a 3 year contract for which I would receive a Thumb Drive worth $170.00 I asked why I would want to do that, to which she replied "use it in your laptop", but, I replied " I don't have a laptop", well she said you can give it to a friend. Needless to say no friend is getting a free Thumb Drive.

At 8AM I called again and got Gena who said there was no record of anything on my file. I gave her a mild version of my opinion of Rogers including that I think Rogers reps will say anything just to get rid of callers. Gena then took all my life history and give it to the "Pay as you go" department To which I replied that I will never hear from them again. Gena then said that I should wait on the phone while SHE spoke to them for me.

After several minutes she came back and said everything is arranged and in 3 days I will get a text message and I will have to call *611 to complete the transfer.
I said " so on Dec.9 this will happen" she said yes it will. I then asked what do I do if it doesn't happen? To which she replied "I'm sure it will" . BUT what if it doesn't I asked, to which she said call *611 and ask for Prepaid or Customer care.

On Dec.9 there was no text message.

On Dec.10 I called *611 and entered Push Button Hell once again this time I was informed that the format of *611 was now taken over by Push Button Robots who after I frantially kept pushing '0' over and over again the Robot said "I do not understand that, I will transfer your to a voice operator".

Alex came on the phone and I asked "Have I reached an intelligent person yet, he laughed and said "yes I think so". I told him that I had spoken to Gena on the Dec.6 and that I was supposed to get a message On the 9th , which never came and I now can't get past the *611 robot. He told me that *611 format had been changed. He then checked and found that I was now in the world of "Pay as you go" As we were departing but before we were actually disconnected a Robot came on and said " I am completing your long distance call" , I yelled "for cris ache Shut up" and as I was hitting the END button I heard Alex laugh.

By the way Alex asked for my E-Mail address, to which I replied " I don't have E-Mail"

In between real people, while on 'IGNORE' I listened to a Rogers Robot extolling the greatness of Rogers and advising me to contact a Rogers Representative for further information

Believe it or not as I went to post this, the first ad that showed on the screen was:
Switch your home phone to Rogers. AS IF!!!!!!!!!!


Cherylinn said...

I understand your frustration totally and I do sympathize...But it sure was fun reading....

Jojo said...

Damn, I thought we'd all be getting thumb drives for Christmas!!!
Way to go Gryper, you managed to break into the real people code and you seem to have what you wanted. I'd wait 30 days just in case they start billing you for all the wonders Rogers offers.
So far so good!

Laura said...

It sounds like the problems our family has with Bell. We had more difficulty getting a phone installed than buying our house. When we needed repairs after our phone, internet and electrical cables merged into a lump of coal in the middle of the night Bell would not believe I wasn't out digging at 3 am and were sure I damaged the lines myself. Then they wouldn't fill in the hole that the electrical company dug to run new cables. And then there are all the cell phone problems ...

Fiddling Granny said...

I read the part I yelled "for cris ache Shut up" and as I was hitting the END button I heard Alex laugh. and nearly peed my pants!

Fiddling Granny said...

I imagine Alex did too!

Fiddling Granny said...

I just went back and read this post again ... just because it was so funny!!

Fiddling Granny said...

BTW Jojo ... the thumb drives for Christmas comment was hilarious!

Gryper said...

Next month I have to go back to Push Button Hell to put in the code for the $100.00 time slot which is good for 1 year. If that is sucessful then I will have 1 year to forget what to do next AND Rogers will have changed their system.

SusanE said...

lol. It would have been fun to hear what Alex had to say after all this.

Jojo said...

Gryper, Rogers has changed the system already, it happens automatically when someone breaks into the real people code.

RogersElise said...

Hi Gryper

I am Elise from Rogers social media team. I am sorry for the frustrating experience you went through, although I can see you managed to make light of it.

Our team tries to help customers where we can, usually Customer Care is the best first point of entry but if it doesn't work, we can look into it.

You can reach us on Twitter - as I see you don't have an email address, I hope you have a Twitter account? ;)

I am @RogersElise on Twitter. We also have a Facebook page: for you to reach us.

So if you have Rogers questions or issues in the future, don't hesitate to contact me.

Again, all my apologies for the frustrating experience you went through.
